Reblog from Gloria Mattioni’s ‘Be Reckless’
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We live in an “aspirational” society. Aspiration and ambition could be good things but often drive people crazy.
Aspiration refers to material things you can possess.
Inspiration refers to immaterial things you wish to be.
When you choose “have” versus “be”, you set yourself up for disappointment and frustration. No matter how nicer car or bigger house you will buy, there will always be some better ones you could have and don’t.
It’s the famous “greener lawn” stereotype and, as with many stereotypes, there is some truth to it. But if you shift focus and perspective, and choose to look for inspiration instead, you’ll have a garden of discoveries at hand.
You are what you are by essence, sure. But you also grow into a new person day by day, depending on what experiences you have.
What you do counts.
How you do it, even more.
What you eat, what you read, what you listen to, but also how you look around. The way you listen and observe and learn. The way you interact with others. It’s like nature. A plant will bloom earlier and more bountiful depending on what nourishments she will receive.
You are the gardener responsible of you own blooming. Look for inspiration, and you will become an inspiring person as well. And the best part of gardening yourself is that it is the most creative task you can imagine.
Instead of consuming, you will be producing. And your “work” will produce something—a new and better you—that will give you the same satisfaction an artist gets form his/her work. You’re your never to-be-finished masterpiece.
You are a life-project that will never end. Not even death will interrupt this creative project because you will live in the legacy you’ll live behind.
Isn’t that just GREAT?
What is your takeaway from this item?
When you read a blog post find an “ah ha” moment. Something you can use. An idea or motivation taking you closer to your goal. Most of us don’t do that. Studies tell us 80% of people buying training courses never finish them.
I believe most people reading informational material cannot explain it. Sure, they can recite the gist of it. But they haven’t absorbed it. Therefore the time spent reading is wasted.
Building your skills is like going to a gym. You engage in learning as you do in a physical workout. The workout exercises muscles and endurance. Informational material exercises the mind. Creating a repository of information you may draw from when you need it.
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