What is evergreen?
In public relations evergreen is a timeless press release. One that can be sent out anytime. In journalism, evergreen is an article that doesn’t age.
You can publish it anytime. I use it here to identify a blog post that is also timeless. You can post an evergreen article any day of any year. It never gets old.
This season is rather stagnant. The end of the year. Just before Christmas when buyer attention is focused on things other than your product. I may be hard getting your desired message across to your followers and targets.
But you want to stay prominent in the marketplace. That’s when an evergreen article or blog post comes in handy.
Your Goal
When working for a PR agency you want to speak to clients at least once a week. Not to say ‘hello’. But to discuss something important to the PR campaign.
Don’t waste the client’s time. Bring value. Always.
How do you do that when blogging? Or running an email campaign? Think of what is of value to your audience. Then give it to them. Never waste their time.
That’s how you lose readers. Faithful followers know you are sincere and bring value to them.
Information is the greatest currency. Not gold. Nor silver. Information. What you know gets you started. What you don’t know puts you out of business. Your faithful readers need you to provide what they don’t know.
Evergreen Stack
Take time to write at least 6 timeless blog posts or articles. I have a few dozen on file. These evergreen items are ready for posting when you are working on other things. Or on vacation. And at slow times like the end of the year.
Before publishing be sure the item is still timely. Take a moment to dust it off. Change dated references.
Keep the core information intact. That should take only a moment. Then you have a finished item for your readers.
Another tactic is republishing old content. An active blog has many published posts. Go back a few years in your blog files. Pick a post that’s still relevant. Clean it up and repost.
Be sure to change the date. Or note at the top of the post the original published date.
Information Overflow
There is only so much you can write on a topic. Your job is to keep the information fresh. There is always a new perspective for any topic. Don’t be afraid to be original. Be accurate.
But be inventive in what you write. And how you present your offer. Attract customers and clients with original ideas. Even if those ideas are commonplace. Your presentation makes them original.
Here’s a challenge. Write an original article on a well-known subject. Pretend you are hired to publicize the annual Rose Parade from Pasadena, California. That event began on January 1, 1890.
Think of all that’s been written about the Rose Parade over the past 131 years. Your task is to write a fresh original reading article.
That’s a good writing exercise.
Stay True to Your Niche
Stay focused when writing evergreen items. That’s good advice when writing anything for your blog. Make sure your readers get value from the post.
Show them something of interest to your niche. If your niche is saltwater fishing don’t write about fly casting a freshwater trout stream.
Remember you are the authority. Everything you offer must be in accord with what your followers want and need.
# # #
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