Everyday one expert or another touts how their method of online marketing is the best and delivers $$$$$$ overnight to your bank account. Some say you have to run email campaigns. Others say it’s video that gets the sales. Another reports that daily blog postings are the thing. And there are those who say forget eBooks, they’re so yesterday. Some marketers say to just buy and use their sales funnel approach.
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Top Internet money-makers use all forms of marketing. They focus is on limited offerings. That’s the truth. They know their target audience in specific niches and satisfy that audience’s needs and wants.
Your customer’s need or want determines your product. As Steve Jobs said, “Don’t find customers for your product. Find products for your customers.” And what customer base is more loyal than that of Apple?
Award winning business educator Peter Drucker said, “The purpose of business is creating customers.” That’s been my mantra for decades. And I learned before the Internet that communicating with your customers may take many forms.
When I started my sales and marketing career there was TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, and direct mail. That’s little different today when we use Social Media, Google ads, podcasts, videos, blog posts, and eBooks.
The idea is to remove all communication barriers. Give your audience mix of comm platforms and let them choose. And a mix of platforms means different forms creating more Google recognition and higher ranking.
For all research into your niche you may never know the best communications avenue. And it really doesn’t matter in the overall. I use a basic starting point. I make a list of key bullet points encompassing my keywords. From that list a write a 500 – 750 word blog post. Then I turn that post into a simple video. I read the post with anecdotes for a brief podcast segment, usually 15 minutes or so. Then I use the blog post and another or two on the same topic and develop an eBook.
When starting out I created a simple pdf eBook with cover. It worked. Now I use Sqribble. This is an inexpensive way to make a professional eBook. When creating my books I envision how it would look in a book shop window. Most of my eBooks are lead magnets. Some I give away on Amazon. Others I may sell on Amazon.
If you decide to sell on Amazon be sure to make your book as professional as possible. I usually hire an illustrator on Fiverr.com to provide ink drawings for chapter intros and any other necessary graphics. My price is usually $2.99. That way I earn $2.00 or so for each book sold, which is more than one gets from a hard copy publisher.
This is Sqribble. Click on the image for complete information how to increase your online profits using this valuable tool. Whether you plan to create eBooks as lead magnets or online sales, give your audience quality information in an easy-to-read, attractive format.
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