Today, I’m going to teach you one of the most powerful words to add to your marketing arsenal. I want you to know this one word that can instantly increase your conversions and get you more sales.
Now, it shouldn’t have to say this, but the first thing you want to do to ensure your success is to actually CARE for people and look for ways to add value into their lives.
Only after learning to care for your clients and customers then, and only then should you look at some of this advanced Internet marketing stuff.
So, let’s move for forward.
There’s been a lot of studies and research on something called ‘Trigger Features’. This is a very fascinating subject. Once one of these trigger features is activated, it’s almost
like something starts like when you hit ‘play’ on your MP3 iPod or Smartphone.
A trigger feature is automatic. It just kicks in without you even thinking about it. Trigger features are auto responses. For instance… Take the first Robin of spring. Once it believes that it needs to defend its territory this small bird goes into action. It is all based on a remarkable quirk in the Robin’s neural system, a trigger feature.
Experiments show that a Robin will viciously attack nothing more than a clump of robin-redbreast feathers placed in its territory. Just the recognizable feathers. At the same time that bird will virtually ignore a perfect replica of a full male Robin, but without the redbreast feathers.
That’s the Robin’s trigger feature, those red breast feathers. They instantly trigger ‘Automated Action’ on behalf of the bird, and could even be used to trick it (which we would never want to do).
Now birds are ‘for the birds’ right? But could this work on humans too?
Yes. And it often does. And here’s one way it does. Humans like to have a reason WHY.
Now, we take for granted you’re ethical and really trying to help people, so what’s one of the most powerful words you could use to get more sales and boost biz-ness?
BECAUSE. That’s the trigger feature. Just one word. Because.
In a study of ‘Human’ response to various influences a line of people waited to use a copy machine. A member of the study team attempted to move ahead of people in line.
In the first case, the person simply said “Excuse me, I have five pages, may I use the copy machine?” 60% of the people in line complied.
Next, the person said “Excuse me, I have five pages. May I use the copy machine *Because* I need to make some copies?
This time, 93% complied. More than 9 out of ten people let this person move ahead of them in line. Think about it. The subject said virtually the exact same thing. But many, many more people ahead in line said ‘SURE!’ Why?
The study team discovered it was just one word (the trigger):
Now, there are a lot of reasons why and how this works. There are lots of ways to apply it. And if you want more info on this you should check out the book Influence, by Robert Cialdini.
But for simple application today, and to have an immediate impact on your business, start to give people a ‘reason why’ you’re doing things. And use the trigger word Because.
Why am I putting on this sale? Because, this is probably the 33’rd cup of coffee I’ve drank this week creating this product for you, so I’m going to sell it to you for $33.00 for the next 33 hrs.
Why will I hop on the phone with you for a free 30 minute consult? Because, I know what it’s like to be lost and overwhelmed by all the options out there. And on this call, I’ll give you complete clarity and focus moving forward…
In short… Always give a ‘reason why’ you are doing anything. Why? Because people want to know. And it’ll make your pockets a lot heavier with the olde green cashola.
And talking about making more cashola today I think you should really go get started on the MTTB System:
Because – It’s the best system I know of that will get you to your first paycheck, your first 6 figures, and beyond… all without having to close Big Ticket sales yourself.
Check it out here:
Just because
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