Are you serious about making money online? Then forget special software promises. Ignore hot new “secrets” to make money online. Don’t believe claims for “revolutionary breakthroughs” for overnight riches. Making money online means starting a business on the Internet and treating it like a business. Any other approach is like buying lottery tickets. Any…
The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post
What makes a blog post worth reading? The answer begins with your “why”. Why do you have a blog? What information are you communicating? Who is your avatar – that perfect target for your message? Those of us using the Internet for business often communicate with our customers and associates via a blog…
Internet Money-Making, SEO & Keywords
I remember how difficult it once was finding things on the Internet. That changed when search engines like Google and Yahoo made it possible to find most anything on the web in seconds. While writing this I entered “most popular cattle breed in Kenya” in Google and got 493,000 results an instant later. Search engines…
How “Why” Doubled Conversions
In most sales situations I accomplish more than associates. That’s because I look for what’s not done. Many check off boxes. I look for missing boxes. Usually “group think” overlooks the obvious. Sales teams receive similar training. Sales tactics usually remain static. My quirky mindset sees things in the cracks. And I act on them. I…
5 Weak Words to Avoid & What to Use Instead (Infographic)
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