Take time and create a file of those bits of information necessary to completely unlock your business operation. I am an independent Internet marketer. My wife and sons work in unrelated industries. My success plan includes ensuring the family has access to and an understanding of my tangled web of niche sites, JV relationships, various…
Do It Now!
I heard an interesting comment at my Dot Com Lifestyle meet up a couple of weeks ago about the difference between knowing something and being able to figure something out. Are you like me and often get by just figuring it out as you go along? That is my method for getting into trouble and…
My Online Business Is Not My Only Passion
I’m passionate about my online business. Why would I otherwise be working at it early on a Saturday morning? Or later driving 96 miles RT to attend the Dot Com Lifestyle meetup hosted by John Chow? Nothing thrills me more than checking stats for my various businesses and seeing order reports, cash deposits to my…
Yes, you can make money on the Internet!
Yes, you can make money on the Internet. Some of us make a lot and others not so much. It is not for everyone, mostly because it is w-o-r-k. And there are a lot of scams out there. Find someone you trust to tell you the truth with simple facts in simple language and you…
My Online Business
After being asked too often about my online business I plan to refocus my blog from general business info to how to earn a living online. It is possible, just like any other industry. The problem with Internet Marketing (IM) is too many people are selling ‘how to make money on the Internet” or how…