SEO: Google now favors sites that are mobile friendly.
What that means is Google gives higher rankings to sites that easily read across all platforms from desktop PCs, to laptops, tablets, and Smart phones.
Google spiders crawl the web, picking up information that feeds into basic algorithms determining search rankings.
If your site is not mobile friendly the world does not come to an end.
You may not be concerned with SEO rankings and so Google’s latest change does not matter to you.
On the other hand, with so much Internet interaction via mobile devices why not take an easy step or two and make sure your messages and key communications are easily read on a Smartphone or tablet.
Here’s a quick way to check your site for mobile friendliness:
Go to Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test and test representative pages in each template.
The test for each page takes about 60 seconds to complete and returns a clear pass-fail result.
If the page fails, Google’s test result will list some reasons why the page failed and some suggestions for resolving the issues.
If your site is already responsive or you have a dedicated mobile site, the reason for failure could be as simple as asking your developer to unblock certain files so that Google can crawl them.
I did this a minute a go and it is a breeze. Yes, one can read my blog on a Smartphone as well as other platforms.
The old saying is, “Don’t leave any money on the table”. Apply that to your business by ensuring your content is available on all platforms.
SEO may not concern you, but having your content presented as it should on mobile sites should be at the top of your “to-do” list.
Another item of interest is optimizing online revenue. Click here and get solid information for maximizing your Internet earnings.
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