A strength of the Internet is nothing is ever ‘one and done’ – what you publish is available forever. What you put up may never go away. That’s true unless you remove your website or blog site where content resides. Even then ‘shares’ of your material may be on other sites – forever.
However, not everyone reads your blog posts when you put them up. Not everyone opens your email messages when you send them. How do we get more from our content? How can we get more email opens?
Here are some tips for getting maximum bang for your content creation effort.
Armando Roggio never fails to offer great online marketing tips. He recommends starting a podcast using recycled material and I agree. This item is an excerpt from a recent post by Armando. He offers a tried and true tip for recycling your material.
Refresh your content marketing plan. Consider creating a podcast from your blog posts.
Each episode of the podcast might be as simple as reading a post verbatim, perhaps, with an opening introduction and closing thank you.
According to a report on statistics website Statista, about 17 percent of American adults listen to podcasts. But it is estimated that only about three percent of marketers use podcasts to reach potential customers. This may mean that podcasting could represent an opportunity for some small businesses to engage potential customers in a less competitive environment.
A blog-driven podcast might have a secondary benefit, too. This year website accessibility may garner some attention, as regulatory bodies, courts, and businesses define what it means to make a website accessible to folks with disabilities.
Consider publishing your podcast on the same page as the blog post each episode is based on. In this way, visitors to your blog will have the choice to read the post or have it read to them via the audio file. This may make your blog easier for some customers to access.
I recommend starting a podcast on iTunes. You can begin with nothing more than the mic on your laptop or PC. Or step up with an excellent USB headset microphone. I use the Logitech H390 USB and like it a lot. You can buy it from Amazon for less than $50 or so.
Other USB headset mics are available. I believe the Logitech H390 delivers a better voice quality that other products costing more.
Quite often I record using an Olympus VN-8100 digital voice recorder. This is a sturdy, small, high-quality voice recorder. I’ve had mine for several years and it gives me great quality and easy upload to my PC for editing.
Frequently I record a stream of consciousness while driving or walking in the park. My Olympus serves me extremely well. You will need a 3.5 connected mic for best quality recording. Or you can use the USB mic mentioned above with a USB to 3.5 connector add-on.
Record and edit your recording with Audacity. I use Audacity. It’s easy to learn and best of all Audacity is free.
Another method, if you want to get a bit fancier, is to use a video maker like Lumen5. Lumen5 is a free (with premium membership) intuitive video maker. Your blog post is integrated into the software for editing.
Each scene is matched to an image and copyright music inserted. You may choose other images and audio during editing. Lumen5 has an extensive library of images and audio that are copyright free.
Never use just any image or piece of music unless you purchase or are give the rights to do so.
A new feature is using your own voice to narrate the video. I use Lumen5 and like it very much.
Here’s a recording tip. Think of one person and speak to that person only. That way you use a conversational tone. Be conversational. Don’t read in a dry manner. Be upbeat and enthusiastic. No, you don’t want to sound like a middle-of-the-night infomercial pitch person either. Just be yourself.
It’s best if you speak to your Avatar – your perfect customer. When you speak to your perfect customer you speak in that person’s ‘voice’; just as you write in that voice.
The idea behind content is to communicate. You want to communicate your ideas, thoughts, explanations, advice and sincere thoughts on your chosen subjects.
Think of how you speak to a close friend.
Now think of how you speak to a stranger. The two are completely different. Look at a picture when you record. Sometimes that helps at the beginning. Another thing is – smile. Smile when you speak and your delivery changes. Your voice is more likable.
Another method of repurposing content is using Sqribble to create a custom eBook. Sqribble is an interesting bit of software. It is a standalone eBook creator I like much better than others on the market. I find Sqribble easier to use with more features than alternatives.
Other pieces of software may be purchased making a complete suite of eBook creator, lead magnet creator, landing pages and CMS. You may integrate the package with your current CMS (content management system) or use the integrated software for email marketing.
I strongly suggest you investigate Sqribble. Give it a try. Most likely you will like it and use it for your business advantage.
eBook Tip
Check social media and see which of your posts get the most attention. Then expand that idea to book length. Then use the expanded text as a lead magnet. Another approach is finish the text in Kindle format and sell the book on Amazon.
One blog post can be turned into a podcast episode, video and eBook with relative ease. Share all with social media. It is easy using a utility like Buffer or Hootsuite. I’ve used both and like each for subtle different reasons. Each offers free trial periods.
There are many other social media managers on the market. I suggest investigating them to determine the best for you.
We’ve covered quite a bit of territory so far. Don’t forget to email to your list each time you publish content.
No list? I’ve used AWeber for years and like it very much. Click on the link and learn how to build and manage a list.
FYI – We still believe every name on your list is worth $1 per month in revenue.
I forgot to mention your website. If you do not have one go to HostGator HostGatoror Bluehost to register a domain name and set up an inexpensive hosting account.
No matter what approach you use, be sure to get the most from your blog posts and other written material. Freshen a past post with necessary updates and a new title and post it again to your blog. Use an excerpt from the post for use on Facebook. Add images and use the post information for a mailing to your list.
Another good idea is assemble posts into an eBook for use as a lead magnet. Your ideas are usually evergreen and putting them into a book is a cheap method for growing your list.
If you want more from your email marketing do this. Send your message to your list. Then two or three days later send the same email with a new subject line.
Another email tip is to send 3 or 4 information email messages for every selling email. The purpose of business is creating customers. The best customers are those who buy from you again and again. They don’t buy just when you sell to them. They buy your ideas.
Customers follow you because you are trustworthy and believable. They know when you recommend something it has value. Speak to your Avatar and the customer almost believes you found the product just for them.
Start repurposing your content.
A blog, and a podcast, and a video channel combine to give you greater reach. And that reach gives you a higher SEO rank on popular search engines. Then you get valuable organic traffic along with that from paid ads and lead magnets.
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