This morning I read a list of influential and prominent people who died the past year. I do that every so often because people making great contributions in my lifetime are too quickly forgotten. Or they are never recognized for their feats.
We pay more attention to trivial people than those who touched our lives in one way or another.
Important to me is Mr. Connor, my 6th grade teacher. He opened many doors for me. I didn’t think of it that way at the time. Why should an 11-year-old know how small acts grow into life changing events. Acorns and oak trees may be a good example. When in college Frank Holsten (another teacher) pushed me along a path that focused my life in a rewarding direction.
Looking back I remember many people who took time to help me understand how to live a worthy life. I may not remember their names, but I remember momentary sessions and learning experiences. I interviewed at a prestigious advertising agency. The VP interviewing me knew I didn’t have the experience for the job. He explained why and what I needed to learn to successfully fill the open slot.
We talked for an hour or so and I left feeling very good about myself because I learned something of great value. I do not remember his name, but I remember the time we spent together. I’ve had many experiences like that.
My youth was much different than today. I was an urban youth and did not know anyone who had ever been on am airplane. I longed to fly. At night, we stared at the stars, not knowing that many we saw were no longer live. It was only their memory coming to us across space light years away.
Space to me was TV’’s Tom Corbett, Space Cadet. I thought that show was cheesy. I remember Buster Crabbe’s movie Flash Gordon as no better. Then it was more science fiction than science accomplishment.
Years later I was traveling across Montana on business with my wife of a couple of months. We checked into a small motel, getting the ‘bridal suite’ because that room had the only remaining working TV. We sat on the edge of a heart-shaped bed and watched Walter Cronkite guide us through the LEM’s landing, seeing Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin actually walk on the moon’s surface.
Years later, I met Dr. Aldrin. I have shared his company many times. Buzz and I don’t talk about the moon. I know other astronauts with whom I speak of their space experiences. When I have a chance to talk to Aldrin, I ask about his next adventure, not the 1969 moon landing. When near him, speaking one-on-one or seated across the room, in my mind we are walking together across the lunar surface.
My dream, at this advanced age, is still to travel in space. I learned to free myself from earth flying private aircraft and flight still amazes me every time I go up. Over the years, I have built and launched hobbyist rockets, teaching my sons and grandchildren the thrill of the whoosh when our solid fuel ignites sending frail tubes aloft.
No, I am not a scientist, nor an engineer. I just know what excites and astounds me and enjoy listening to those who really know what they are doing. Especially when what they are doing is in deep space. Thank you, Neil Armstrong & Dr. Aldrin and all the men and women who have made my childhood fantasies reality.
My hope today is for us to learn how to educate the next generation of people worthy of recognition during their lifetime and after. With all the man-made problems confronting our nation, education is one easily solved without pain. It only takes those creating the problem getting out-of-the-way.
My wish for you is great success both online and in life. It is easy to get discouraged when things don’t go the way you dream. My best advice is to learn what you need to know in order to succeed at what you choose. Learn it well enough to teach it to someone else. Only then do you actually know something.
Don’t just sell, sell, sell. Solve problems and people will pay you for your solutions. Make sure you understand the value of your offer. Anyone can run ads online huckstering one thing or another and get a few sales. To be a successful Internet entrepreneur you must be honest with your target audience. Always add value to your offer. Understand the problem and provide solid solutions.
Whatever your passion take time to share it with others. Always take time to influence someone trying to find their way. Teach others how to better themselves. Those of us fortunate to earn online are obligated to help others get started. There’s more to running an internet business than making money.
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