Without traffic to your offer nothing happens.
Traffic to your site is like the wind to a sailboat. Without traffic, your offer sits on the Internet gathering dust. You may be giving away diamonds, yet no traffic means you’ve got a treasure trove and no income.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Without traffic, you are not building a business. You have a hobby.
You may have a terrific problem-solving offer. Among the millions of people using the Internet, many have a problem your product solves. How do we reach those people, putting them in the fast lane to your offer?
Generating traffic involves more than running ads or using social media.
Before starting a product selling campaign we need to:
- Understand the offer, and
- The problem it solves, and
- Value to the customer, and
- Then communicate that to your ideal buying audience.
Those are the first steps in generating traffic to your site. Notice that the first three bullet items have nothing to do with ads or social media.
Your message must be consistent with the need satisfied by the offer. And then you must make sure your ideal customer sees that message.
What’s your goal?
Most of us start an online business to make money. That’s our motivator. We have a financial need and hear it’s easy to make money from home.
However, there’s a much bigger picture lurking on the sideline. Famous business authority Peter Drucker said, “The purpose of business is to create customers.“
Lock in on that thought and developing a successful Internet business is easier. Knowing that helps develop a high-performance traffic generating system.
I understand Drucker to mean that money is a by-product of a business. Getting and keeping customers is the real purpose of your Internet business. Generating traffic to our sales funnel is the first step to creating customers.
- No traffic = no prospects, and
- No prospects = no customers, and
- No customers = no sales, and
- No sales = you’re wasting your time and resources.
I’m not complicating things. I want to help you develop a mindset to build a sustainable online income-generating business. There are many Internet blog posts and ads promising the moon via mucho bucks while you sleep. That’s just not realistic.
When someone buys a 1/4 inch drill bit they are really buying a 1/4 inch hole.
Domino’s sells convenience, not pizza. Rolex sells jewelry, not watches. What is your product and which need does it satisfy? What problem does your product solve? You must communicate the solution to the right target audience.
What is your niche? What segment of the marketplace has the greatest number of prospects? Figure that out and many obstacles to success vanish.
You want to serve a market, not make a market.
Roam social media. Get an idea of who wants what – look for people wanting a 1/4 inch hole, or the convenience of rapid pizza delivery. Don’t discuss features. Domino’s doesn’t emphasize ingredients. Domino’s brand is pizza delivered to wherever you are.
Steve Jobs said, “Find products for your customers, not customers for your products.”
Successful Internet marketers generate traffic with an emotional appeal focusing on results. Sure, Domino’s pictures pizza in their ads. But pizza is not the centerpiece. Fast delivery and people enjoying pizza when they want it is the focus of the ads.
Watch TV ads with the sound off. The visual message is often stronger than the audio. When I produced TV commercials in a prior life, we viewed them endlessly with no sound. A picture worth 1,000 words, right? The emotional appeal of imagery is often more compelling than your words.
The image doesn’t just support your words. The image makes the viewer more receptive to your words. Proper imagery puts the viewer in the picture.
I should mention an ad with an image gets more attention than one with no image. And the image doesn’t have to have anything to do with the ad content. The image causes neurons to pulse in our brain, igniting desire. Why do you think car ads often feature people doing things other than driving?
” . . . people remember 10 percent of what they READ. 20 percent of what they HEAR. 30 percent of what they SEE. 50 percent of what they SEE and HEAR. 70 percent of what they SAY and WRITE. 90 percent of what they DO.” (origin)
Who buys what online?
I first used the Internet long before it became the World Wide Web.
Then perhaps 5,000 or so people worldwide logged onto the Net each day. No one thought of the Net as a vehicle for eCommerce.
Then around 1995 or so the graphical interface we enjoy today emerged. The Internet was changed forever, along with shopping practices and preferences. Online shopping continues to grow, although no one expected the impact we’ve seen.
Here’s data gathered from theseosystem.com.
- In 2018, men spent 28% more online than women although women conventionally drive 80% of household spending.
- Both men and women average 5 hours per week shopping online.
- Men are more likely to purchase items from their SmartPhone than women.
- Millennials will spend an average of 6 hours per week shopping online.
- The so-called Millenials are the biggest spenders online despite having less to spend than their elder counterparts.
- 25% of mobile shoppers are over the age of 55.
- Online shoppers tend to be wealthy with an average income of over $75,000.
- 51% of Americans prefer shopping online.
- Seniors are less influenced by discounts than the younger folks.
Another source yields that In 2020, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to 4.28 trillion US dollars and e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 5.4 trillion US dollars in 2022.
Your task is understanding your product, the market for that product, and how to create a funnel bringing customers to your platform.
Generally, purchase selections are emotion-based.
Quite often a perceived need begins with a want. Shopping in a food store with my very young son sitting in the cart I learned a valuable selling lesson. We turned into an aisle and his small arm quickly raised, pointing at an object. He said, “I want that!”
I asked him what it was, and he replied, “I don’t know, but I want it.” Pure emotion. Something about the packaging caught his eye and in an instant, he wanted it. He didn’t need it, didn’t know what it was, but he wanted it.
Why do we buy one hand soap over another? Suppose you are in a shop and on display is a sign, “Hand soap guaranteed to remove grease and grime – 25 cents a bar.”
Nearby is another display, “Hand soap guaranteed to remove grease and grime and gives you the fragrance that says ‘Je Suis à Vous’ – 35 cents.” Which are you buying?
What’s your traffic strategy?
Success often comes if you know what you’re doing next before you are asked. Tell me your plan and I’m going to ask, “Then what?”
When you’ve honed your product presentation communicating a solution to a problem or condition develop a traffic strategy. Most of us rush to place ads and post on social media. That’s chumming.
Chum is a form of fish bait. Usually, chum is tossed into a body of water to attract fish. There’s no hook. Think of the movie “Jaws.” Bloody chum was tossed in the boat’s wake to attract the shark. Fishing lines with baited hooks were used to catch the shark.
A traffic strategy is designed to set a hook in your buyer, drawing them into your sales funnel. I find random social media placement and small ad budgets deliver small numbers to my sales funnels. If any at all.
What I recommend.
Many advisors tell you to use social media to publicize your work, and this is a great idea. However, you must know what sort of information people are searching for before you start writing your killer content. There are a few ways of discovering this – https://www.bigcommerce.com/ is one, https://www.affilorama.com/market-research is another, but one method has always been successful for me.
Carry out a search on popular forums and on other websites in related niches to find the sort of posts that are popular and attract a lot of comments. When you come across one that seems to have promise, make a note of the subject and add a few lines to make up a “tip.”
When you have collected a few of these “tips” you can dig deeper to expand the research. You may find hidden gems in other places online, so collect them as well until you have a page or so.
Now, go through the list and select the top 5 related tips. Start to research the information a bit more if you need to and then write a quality article around the tips you have uncovered. Make sure you only use the best tips you can find.
If writing isn’t your strength, hire a freelancer to write the article for you.
Check out Fiverr.com.
Fiverr.com is a great go-to for work you cannot or choose not to do yourself. The prices start at $5.00 and I find the freelancers are honest, prompt, and do good work. I receive no compensation for recommending Fiverr.com.
Next Step
When you have the article written think about the title you will use to make it engage the visitor. It should be something catchy, slightly controversial, or tempting so the reader is prompted to read more. You may want to use a free online headline generator.
Some capitalize each word for more impact (title only). Go over the whole thing and proofread it. Better still, let someone else read it – ideally a professional editor. I usually read a post out loud. If it sounds good to my ear it most likely is okay. By all means, use a spell checker. Grammarly is a free tool that keeps me out of trouble.
Now make the article easy to read by adding subheadings and other formatting techniques to break up long passages of text. Spice things up a bit by adding images through the post and if you can find a decent YouTube video, add that as well. When you have finished, check through it again to make sure it reads well and contains no errors.
When you publish the post on your blog, wait a day then post an excerpt on Facebook. Follow this up with a Tweet each day. If you use images make sure they are copyright-free and pin them on Pinterest.
Try Canstockphoto.com for low-cost licensed images. Never use an image online that you’ve captured from one source or another. That’s stealing. Pay for photos you use or select images from royalty-free sites such as Pexels.
You don’t want others using your creation without permission. Don’t use the hard work of others without an agreement or payment.
Click here to read my post describing better blogging.
Promote the post on web 2.0 sites if you have accounts on any – examples could include Identica, Tumblr, FriendFeed, and Live Journal. Link back to your post from each and you will soon have more visitors than you could imagine!
High Octane Additions
- If you drive a visitor to an affiliate site you get commissions on one sale only. You need to capture their email address on your list.
- Send the affiliate to a landing page first. Provided added value (lead magnet), capture the email address then send them to the offer.
- Use the captured email to lead the prospect into your sales funnel. Then send an item of perceived value welcoming them to your list.
Suppose what’s written above is too much work for you?
Many of us want a quicker method to enhance our online money-making. Here’s a quick way to shift your effort to a higher gear: Conversion Gorilla.
I want you to understand how and why people make buying decisions. That’s the purpose of this long-form blog post. I know there may be too much information here for many readers. The understanding of who buys what gives an affiliate marketer a better chance of actually building a sustainable online business.
What I recommend is Conversion Gorilla. I use it and would not recommend it if the program didn’t work as promised. Click on this link and learn how you can increase your online money-making.
Here’s a gift, absolutely free. Click here for free Silver membership in the Traffic Generation Club.
Thank you for sharing this post with family and friends.
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Disclaimer – I am an affiliate marketer and receive a sales commission for some products and referrals mentioned in this blog.
2021 JoeArodotCom – all rights reserved.
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